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Team Meeting
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
6-9 @ Valders High School
Saturday 9-4 @ LREC
"We Don't Just Build Robots We Build People".




2022-2023 Captains

2021 Connect Award Winners (FTC)
Here is what the judges had to say...
This team puts emphasis on connecting with there sponsors with new technology and know how. They honed and machined their skills with the aid of experts. The lessons learned help their team become a well oiled machine. Which one may call a droid.

2021 Chairman's award winners
Here's what the judges had to say..
This is ONE team that didn't ask for the judges respect they earned it. There success and outreach with STEM in their community as well as making FIRST available to all schools is a model that other organization and communities can follow. There work helping to create the Lakeshore FIRST Robotics Program not only helps them it helps to support all the surrounding teams at the same time. There willingness to create a method in which revenue is shared with all neighboring teams is commendable. And make sure everyone has access to the same resources. This ONE team says it best with the last sentence of there essay.
"We don't just build robots we build people."

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